Overview Charts & Stats for the Selected Time Period
This overview page provides a quick summary of the selected assets, including their latest prices, price changes, market capitalization changes, and more.
AssetDKK / USD
Latest Price0.1417
Price Change %Calculating...
Price Change XCalculating...
Up DaysCalculating...
Down DaysCalculating...
Avg Up Day %Calculating...
Avg Down Day %Calculating...
Median Up Day %Calculating...
Median Down Day %Calculating...
Price Chart Percentage Gains
The price chart compares the percentage returns for each asset in the given time period. Each starts out at 0% at the x axis left most position.
Price Overlay ChartPercentage Gains
The overlay price chart displays the price movements of each asset over the selected period, using individual y-axes for each. This allows for an easy comparison of assets with different magnitudes, making it great for identifying correlations.