Swiss Franc CHF / USD FX

Overview Charts & Stats for the Selected Time Period

This overview page provides a quick summary of the selected assets, including their latest prices, price changes, market capitalization changes, and more.


Asset CHF / USD
Latest Price 1.138
Price Change % Calculating...
Price Change X Calculating...
Up Days Calculating...
Down Days Calculating...
Avg Up Day % Calculating...
Avg Down Day % Calculating...
Median Up Day % Calculating...
Median Down Day % Calculating...

Price Chart Percentage Gains

The price chart compares the percentage returns for each asset in the given time period. Each starts out at 0% at the x axis left most position.

Price Overlay ChartPercentage Gains

The overlay price chart displays the price movements of each asset over the selected period, using individual y-axes for each. This allows for an easy comparison of assets with different magnitudes, making it great for identifying correlations.

Learn More

This page just gave you an overview, you might also want to check out the historical, correlation, volatility, and price projection charts and stats.