This page allows you to project the future price of an asset using three different methods. You can choose various settings for each method (tier 1 subscription feature) to customize the projection. If you scroll down, you can see the price projections with the default settings for each method - those are totally free and requires no account!
Here are the average Great, OK, and Bad mid-year projections for each asset. These are calculated by getting the CAGR, Exponential Regression, Cooking/Comfortable/Glacial temperature, and the high, low, and median Monte Carlo projection prices for each asset and then averaging them.
You'll find all the charts below.
Exponential regression and CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) projections are statistical methods used to model and predict asset price growth over time. While exponential regression captures dynamic, accelerating trends, CAGR provides a smoothed average growth rate. Both techniques offer insights into underlying growth patterns, enabling more accurate forecasts of future price movements.
This logarithmic chart features a colored channel that measures the temperature of the price. The red/hot zone indicates high prices, the blue/cold zone indicates low prices historically, as measured by the logarithmic trend of the asset. You can also use it as a tool to project future prices at various "temperatures".
Our Monte Carlo simulation leverages historical asset price data to forecast potential future price trajectories over a specified time horizon. By analyzing past performance and incorporating statistical measures of return and volatility, the simulation generates a multitude of possible future scenarios. Each simulated path represents a unique potential outcome, allowing investors to visualize the range of possible prices an asset might reach in the coming years. The median projection provides a central estimate, while the confidence bounds (e.g., 95%) illustrate the statistical uncertainty surrounding these predictions.
This page just focused on projecting prices for the selected assets, you might also want to check out the overview, historical, volatility, and correlation charts and stats.
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